Vector analysis  

Understanding the key topics and problems of Vector Analysis. Also it is necessary to develop many skills between abstract entities according to certain rules and apply it into Geodesy. -Demonstrate competences in theoretical principles, procedures of computing and visualising the surveying data. -Understand mathematical methods and physical laws applied in geodesy and geoinformatics. -Apply knowledge of mathematics and physics for the purpose of recognizing, formulating and solving of problems in the field of geodesy and geoinformatics. -Exercise appropriate judgements on the basis of performed calculation processing and interpretation of data obtained by means of surveying and its results. -Take responsibility for continuing academic development in the field of geodesy and geoinformatics, or related disciplines, and for the development of interest in lifelong learning and further professional education. 1) Define and implement the tasks of the term of the vector functions of one scalar variable 2) Define and apply the concepts of tasks: line integral of the first and the second kind and their properties; determine the relationship between line integral of the first and the second kind, and define and apply Green formula 3) Define and apply the concepts of tasks: double and triple integrals and their applications, with the introduction of the Jacobian for cylindrical and spherical coordinates 4) Define and apply the concepts of tasks: surface integrals and vector surface integrals. Describe the flux of a vector field through a surface 5) Define and apply the concepts of tasks: scalar and vector fields and directional derivatives 6) Telling the Green-Gauss-Ostrogradski theorem and Stokes' theorem and applying to the tasks
Vector analysis

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